Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moving to the cloud

I have decided to move my web sites to the Amazon CloudFront service, using their S3 storage service as the mechanism for storing files.  They are supposed to automatically direct browsers to closer servers, so there will be much better response world wide.

I also have fairly regular DSL outages, which might frustrate potential customers.  I would not enjoy trying to browse somewhere and getting no response.  Maybe Amazon will be amazing.  I have been using S3 for a while now and paying a few cents a months (normally 2 cents).  I might have to start paying 10 or 20 cents a month.

I suppose ATT might be happier with me not running a web server from my house.  It should be a win all-around.

I'll post an update with my charges for the web site.  I really think it will be quite cheap.

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