Friday, September 28, 2012

Assembly Language: Linux vs OS X

I have had a Mac Mini computer for roughly a month and I have learned enough to do fairly well with 64 bit assembly language programming.  Both Linux and OS X use the System V AMD64 Application Binary Interface which makes 64 bit assembly programming very similar between the two systems.  By contrast Windows uses the Microsoft x64 ABI.  Despite using the same ABI there are a couple of differences which make it difficult to write portable assembly language programs for Linux and OS X.

Naming conventions

Friday, September 14, 2012

Brand New Mac Mini

I have had my second Mac Mini for about a week now with none of the problems from the lemon Mini which was a refurbished machine.  I have bought refurbished machines before which were quite useful.  I had expected that my need for a Mac would be for several months while I prepared a Mac version of my assembly book.  After that I could survive a failure.

In any case the new Mini is a keeper.  I replaced the RAM with 2 8 GB SODIMMs the day after it arrived.  It was pretty sluggish before with 4 GB, but runs pretty well with 16.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Package tracking system

There should be more accurate package tracking systems for sites like UPS, FedEx, etc.  Each package is already given an identifier.  When a package is added to a container, the container would have an ID which would be used to track the package.  When a package or container is placed in a truck then the truck's ID would be used to track the package or container.  Similarly packages could be associated with planes or ships.  At the vehicle level tracking could be done using a GPS system on the vehicle connected to the shipper's network.

With this system I could see that a package left Memphis 3 hours ago and was now passing through Yazoo City.  With the current system packages frequently retain the same status for a day or more.  I really doubt that many packages sit still for more than an hour or two here and there.

I wonder if someone already has a patent on this improved package tracking system?

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Returned the Mac Mini and Ordered a New One

On Friday the fourth day of Mini-time, I decided to try the Logitech driver for Mac OS X.  I downloaded it and verified that the software knew which wireless mouse I had.  Then I configured the mouse successfully.  Within 5 minutes the Mini had crashed with the noise symptom.  I contacted the seller using Amazon's return procedures and after a few messages, he approved the return.  I had the computer in the mail on Saturday morning.  The return authorization process was painless, though I would clearly have preferred that the Mini be a keeper.

After getting the authorization message I ordered a second Mac Mini, but this time I decided to go with a new computer rather than a refurbished one.  I have had moderate success with refurbished HP computers before so I figured that a refurbished Mac would be at least as good as a refurbished HP.  I am sure that there is some randomness involved and that generally a refurbished Mac would be successfully repaired, but this particular one seemed to be a lemon.

My new Mini will be a 2.4 GHz computer with 4 GB of RAM.  I have also ordered 16 GB of RAM for the computer which should arrive at roughly the same time as the computer.  An i5 computer with 16 GB of RAM should work quite well.  I certainly hope that the new Mini works well with my KVM switch since it would allow me to switch computers while remaining in my chair. Getting up from one's chair is so 2000 and lame.